Oedipus Rex is a tragedy play written by a Greek tragedian, Sophocles. Oedipus Rex involves in the seven of Sophocles plays which have survived for twenty-four centuries. Another plays which have survived are Ajax, Antigone, Trachinian Women, Electra, Philoctetes and Oedipus at Colonus. In this play, the writer finds the most interesting thing to analyze is characters. The Oedipus Rex play contains of nine characters. The characters are Oedipus (King of Thebes), The Priest of Zeus, Creon (Oedipus’ brother in law), Chorus (the old man of Thebes), Tiresias (blind prophet), Jocasta (Oedipus’ wife, sister of Creon, widow of Laius the former king), Messenger (from Corinth), Shepherd, and Servant, but the writer will only use some of them in this analysis. Then the writer will analyze the characters through three aspects of characters. The three aspects are literal aspect, functional aspect, and connotative or symbolic aspect.
First is literal aspect. The literal aspect analysis is to find out what kind of people are the characters in this play, begin by looking at and talking about characters as though they were real people. It must be seen from what is the character’s goal, what strategies does the character provide to achieve that goal, and where is the character vulnerable (what is at stake). In the Oedipus Rex play, Oedipus goal is to find out his origin. It proves in his dialogue:
Oedipus: “Let it all burst out, if it must! As for me, though it be small, I wish to know my stock. – Being born what I am, I could never be another, so I should seek out my descent.” (p. 39)
The dialogue through keywords “burst out”, “stock”, “born”, “seek out”, and “descent” show that Oedipus really wants to know all about his origin; who he actually is, who his ancestors are, and where his ancestors come from. Oedipus wants to know about that because all this time he just knew his parents name and where they are from. Oedipus never knew about his extended family. Oedipus also has one goal again in this play which is to find out who was killing Laius, the former king before him. It proves in the dialogue:
Oedipus: “Then I shall reveal these things anew, – For whoever he was who killed that man would as soon kill me with that same violent hand.” (p. 8)
The dialogue through keywords “reveal”, “killed”, “that man”, and “kill me” show that Oedipus is really curious who the killer of Laius is and he wants to arrest that person. The words “that man” in the dialogue above address for Laius. Oedipus also feels afraid that someday the killer will hunt him and kill him too. That is way he wants to arrest the killer before he killed.
About the strategies to achieve his goals above, Oedipus does many ways to collect information and call some witnesses to his palace to be interviewed. It proves in his dialogues:
Oedipus: “– , for I have sent Creon, son of Menoeceus, my own brother-in-law, to Apollo’s home at Phyto, so that he may learn what I should do or say to save this city.” (p. 5)
Oedipus: “Will someone go and bring the shepherd to me?” (p. 38)
The dialogues above through keywords “have sent”, “save”, and “bring” show that Oedipus have ordered someone to collect information and clues about Laius killer, with that things Oedipus can make plan and decision to protect his city and also himself from the killer. The dialogue and its keywords also show that Oedipus want the evidence of his origin come and tell everything to him.
About the character vulnerable and what is at stake, the Oedipus Rex play is about a man protects his status. The vulnerable thing is Oedipus status as a king and the thing that at stake is his wife and mother, Jocasta. It proves in his dialogues:
Oedipus: “O wealth and power and skill reaching beyond skill, – which the city put into my hands as a gift, not something sought, the trusted Creon, my friend from the beginning, beguiles me and secretly desire to oust me, –” (p. 15)
Oedipus: “ – to her…who is inside…bury her as you will, rightly will you act on behalf of your own –” (p. 50)
The keywords “wealth”, “power”, and “put into my hands” in the first dialogue reveal the Oedipus’s position as a sovereign. That dialogue occurred when Creon, Oedipus brother-in-law or Jocasta’s brother accused him as Laius killer. Then Oedipus suspected Creon have cunning plan to grab Oedipus position as king with that accusation. Oedipus, with all his abilities, defends his position and power as a king from any kind of threats and distractions. He will be alert with any possibilities. The keywords in the second dialogue; “bury her as you will” and “act on behalf of your own” show how Oedipus loves his wife and mother, Jocasta. The dialogue occurred after Jocasta committed suicide. Oedipus asked Creon to give special treatment to Jocasta in her final life.
Second is functional aspect. The functional aspect is to find out what roles do the characters perform in the structure of the play. There are protagonist, antagonist, confidant, foil, raisonneur, utilitarian, and comic relief. In the Oedipus Rex play, the writer only finds four functional aspects; protagonist, antagonist, confidant, and foil. The character which determine as protagonist is Jocasta, Oedipus wife, mother, and the former king, Laius, wife. She determines as protagonist because she makes the events of the play happen. It proves in the dialogues between Jocasta and Oedipus:
Oedipus: “My dearest Jocasta, my wife, why did you send for me to come here from the house?” (p. 33)
Jocasta: “Listen to this man, and discover in his words where the august prophecies of God have come.” (p. 33)
Through the keywords in the dialogues above; “send for me”, “listen”, “man”, “discover” and “words” it can be interpreted that Jocasta is the one who have initiated for the first time to call the messenger to come and meet Oedipus and say about the clues in an effort to investigate Oedipus origin. Actually she just wanted to satisfy Oedipus curiosity about his origin, but then Oedipus forces her to continuing the investigation. Jocasta became mad and did not want to help Oedipus again. Then Oedipus does the investigation by himself. From this messenger and his clue to find out another messenger (the shepherd), Oedipus finally know the truth that he is who killed his true father and married his own mother and also provide children from that marriage. Jocasta is a mother who married her true son and give birth children from it. If the character of Jocasta is not appearing in the play, maybe Oedipus will never know about his sins.
Next, the character which determine as the antagonist is Oedipus. He determines as an antagonist because he is the character who taking an active role in generating opposition. He is the one who push another characters in the play to search and reveal the Laius killer and also his (Oedipus) origin. Then he became mad when he accused as that killer and reverse accuse the people who said him as the Laius killer eyeing his position as a king. He also made Jocasta committed to suicide because of deep depression knowing the truth that she is married his true son, has children from him, and he is who killed his true father or her former husband. It proves in his dialogue:
Oedipus: “For I don’t know with what eyes I could look and see my father when I go down to Hell, nor again my poor mother; to those two my deeds are beyond what hanging could punish.” (p. 48)
From the dialogue through keywords “my father”, “my poor mother”, and “two my deeds” it can be interpreted that Oedipus finally know the truth; Laius is his true father and Jocasta is his true mother. “Two my deeds” mean his sins which are killed Laius and married Jocasta and also makes Jocasta committed to suicide and died. Through that dialogue Oedipus realizes his arrogances because of his position as a king with assume that he is always right. Everyone must obey with his orders and rules without any objections. He did not trust anyone except himself. Because of his arrogances, he lost his chair and bear shame and sin of his actions.
Next is confidant. A confidant is the character whom another character confides in or delivers information to. The character who becomes the confidant is Chorus (the old man of Thebes). Chorus becomes the confidant because he is the one who Oedipus always share his thinking and feeling with. It proves in the Oedipus dialogue to Chorus:
Oedipus: “You seek, and what you seek, if you are willing to listen to my words and help in this sickness, you may take as help and relief from your troubles. –” (p. 9)
Chorus: “Just as you adjured me under a curse, my lord, so shall I speak. –” (p. 9)
The dialogues through keyword “willing to listen to my words” shows that Oedipus wants to share his thinking and feeling to Chorus. Oedipus does not only need sharing partner, but also discussion partner. Thus, Chorus can gives feedback to Oedipus with his opinion and then they discuss it together to find out the way out. Unfortunately, Oedipus meanly asks the feedback from Chorus by threaten him with curse. Oedipus forces Chorus with his power to make him as a discussion partner.
The last functional aspect is foil. Foil is the character that compares and contrasts with another character. The foil in this play is Creon, who compares and contrasts with Oedipus. The thing which will compare and contrast is personality. Let see the dialogues below:
Creon: “I don’t know; I prefer to keep quiet in matters when I don’t comprehend them.” (p. 21)
Oedipus: “Whenever someone swiftly moves secret plots against me, I must also counter-plot swiftly. But if I wait in silence, these things will be accomplished, not as his deeds, but my mistakes.” (p. 22)
In the Creon’s dialogue through keywords “keep quiet” and “when I don’t comprehend” show that Creon personality is careful to think and act. He will make sure himself understand the topic and content of some conversations. After understanding that then he brave to give comment or feedback. Meanwhile, if he does not understand he prefers to remain in silent. On the other hand, in the Oedipus dialogue through keywords “moves”, “secret”, “against”, and “mistakes” show that Oedipus personality is sensitive, spiteful (full of spite or avenge), and reckless. He prefers directly to follow his feeling and presumption in doing some actions rather than collecting the evidences first. However, both of these two men are stubborn. They are, with persistent, defend their each thinking and really want to be the “true man”, but Creon is less stubborn than Oedipus because he still want to break down for awhile with Oedipus to collect more evidences to prove his thinking.
Third is symbolic aspect. The symbolic aspect is to find out what ideas or concepts might the characters symbolize. In Oedipus Rex play, there are two symbols; king and female. Oedipus the king; king is symbolize as power and egoism because king own the city, the land, and also lead the people. King has anything, like to force, and does not like to be opposed. It proves in the analysis above that Oedipus forces everyone to find Laius killer and find out about his origin, forces Chorus to become his sharing partner, and directly very angry with insulting to Creon also Tiresias because they accused him as Laius killer. Oedipus who has big ambition with power and wealth, willing to replace Laius and also married Laius wife, Jocasta, although he knew that former king was dead because of killed by someone.
Next is female symbol which represent by Jocasta. Female in this play symbolizes as the weak and the marginalized. She is the victim of the power which became the most be aggrieved. It proves in Servant’s dialogue:
Servant: “– Our divine queen, Jocasta, is dead. – Still, as much as I can remember or that poor women’s woes you shall learn. – She groaned over her bed, where twice doomed she had born husband from husband, children from her child.” (p. 44-45)
From the dialogue above, it can be seen through keywords “poor women”, “born”, “husband from husband”, and “children from her child” that Jocasta became a trophy; first Laius’s trophy and after he died Oedipus replaced to own it. She had born the children of those men, was satisfying that men’s desire, and obeyed that man’s orders. Then when the mistakes were come up to the surface and the sins began to reveal, she become very guilty, shameful, and regretful. She feels so dirty, a very dirty sinner so that she decided to suicide.
In conclusion, Oedipus Rex play is determined as a play with classic tragedy genre because the moods of the story are serious and sad. There is no humor at all in it. From the beginning to ending the story contains of assassination, quarrel, prejudice, insult, anger, desperation, misconception, sadness, sin, guilt, regret, and death. Although the hero, Oedipus, is not died in the ending, he decided to go and exile far away from his city and kingdom. He will be haunted by sin, regret, and guilt forever. He will unable to live in peaceful until the end of his life.